Top 5 Hybrid App Development Frameworks 2021

Vaatsalya Bellary
4 min readJul 2, 2021


What are hybrid apps?

Hybrid Apps are software applications that bring in elements of native apps as well as web applications. Hybrid apps are mainly web apps that have been placed in the shell of a native app. The shell will be able to connect to the capabilities of the mobile application platform which is provided through a browser, once the application is downloaded from the application store and is locally installed. The plug-in along with the browser works in the backend and is invisible to the user.

Hybrid applications come with a lot of great features-

  • They have an implanted browser that is used to improve the accessibility to online dynamic content.
  • It is integrated with the mobile device file system.
  • It has the ability to function even if the device isn’t connected
  • And it is integrated with the web-based service

Now, what are Hybrid App Development Frameworks?

Since Hybrid Apps are built for multiple platforms, cross-platform frameworks are needed to build them. This is why Hybrid App Development Companies prefer using the best of the tools there are. Here are the top 5 frameworks-

  1. React Native

Mobile applications can only be built with the help of JavaScript when it comes to React Native. It lets developers design a mobile UI from expositive parts. With the help of this framework, developers can build real applications, and not just mobile web apps or any regular hybrid app. With React Native, you can build mobile apps which are very similar to applications built through Objective C or Java, as it uses the exact same fundamental basis as iOS and Android. The fundamental basis or the building blocks are put together using Native React and JavaScript.

2. Ionic Framework

The Ionic Framework is an open-source framework. It is licensed under MIT and functioned by a big global community. There are 120+ native device features which include Bluetooth, Fingerprint Auth, etc, along with Cordova plugins and TypeScript extensions. Their CLI can be used to create, structure, modify and test the Ionic apps on any platform. The framework consists of an Ionicon icon pack which includes multiple common applications. And applications can be self-built using Live Reload as it is used to compile and redeploy the application at every step of the way.

3. Native Script

Native Script is created by Progress. This framework has been built by JavaScript or any language which resembles JavaScript, such as TypeScript. This particular framework has an indepth integration with modern Angular versions which includes features such as Angular CLI integration, code generation, and router support. An integration with Vue through a community-developed plugin that allows the usage of Vue CLI is included too.

If you’re wondering how Hybrid Apps are built with NativeScript look like, then well, they’re simple mobile applications that are built with the help of NativeScript and they are entirely Native Applications as well. They use the same APIs just like they were developed in Xcode or Android Studio. What this actually means is that the result of using Native Script is platform-native UI excluding WebViews and functioning with native performance.

4. Quasar

This framework is backed up by Vue.js. It enables developers to write code just once and deploy it simultaneously as a site, desktop, or mobile application just by using a single code base.

Quasar features cutting-edge UI that adheres to Google Material principles. It also includes HTML/CSS/JS minification, cache busting, tree shaking, source mapping, code-splitting, and lazy loading, ES6 transpiring, code linting, and accessibility features, all while maintaining a low-performance overhead. The creators of this hybrid mobile application framework claim that it is the most performance-focused framework.

The best part about this framework is that it is 100% free, open-source, and is licensed under MIT.

5. Kendo UI

Kendo UI is a large library or JavaScript UI component for constructing hybrid mobile applications, including libraries for jQuery, Angular, React, and Vue. It comes with dozens of ready-to-use widgets for jQuery, Angular, React and Vue, and is powered by Progress Telerik (the same parent company as NativeScript). Kendo UI is designed to help development teams quickly create high-performing hybrid mobile apps with exceptional features.

The framework is open-source, however, it is designed for enterprise customers, hence there is currently no free version accessible. One of the Kendo UI’s main selling points is that you get world-class assistance as well as the assurance that every component has been extensively tested through their rigorous testing.

HP, NASA, and over 140,000 other firms around the world are among the most notable Kendo UI clients. If you’re seeking an enterprise-grade solution with dedicated support, this is definitely a framework to explore.

Hybrid App Development has exploded in popularity in recent years. It’s no surprise that many development teams prefer hybrid mobile apps to native mobile apps because they offer faster development. Easier prototyping, and a supposedly higher return on investment.

If you’re intending to develop a mobile app, the hybrid model can make it easier to create apps for the web and desktop, allowing you to reach more clients.

